Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the mammary gland. This is the most common invasive cancer in women . If affected women are at high risk, it is imperative to proceed to a mastectomy to treat this cancer, which consists of opting for surgery to completely remove a breast.
Sometimes other tissues near the breast, such as lymph nodes, are also removed. The post-operative period is a very sensitive period for the woman, a rather hard and complex psychological pass where the latter must show enormous courage, patience and perseverance. The surgery in question and the treatments related to them greatly weaken the skin and dull the breasts.
Following a mastectomy, comes the question of lingerie . How can the operated woman feel herself again, feminine, sensual and attractive, and how can she come to terms with her body battered by the disease?
A physical and mental struggle for reconciliation?

Following surgery, it is essential for the woman to wear adequate and suitable lingerie for a few weeks because of the increased sensitivity of the breasts or because of the scars linked to the operation, which are still painful.
Breast cancer directly affects femininity and affects women's self-image. And the loss of one or both breasts does not only lead to physical consequences requiring materials and forms that do not attack the skin (the breasts are abused by the treatment, becoming hypersensitive), it also leaves psychological consequences by depriving the sick and the combatants of one of the symbols of their femininity.
In this incessant fight, the reappropriation of one's body also involves access to underwear adapted to this new morphology. Operated women are faced with a major problem: the pretty post-operative lingerie is almost non-existent.
And the brands that we find in pharmacies and drugstores, very medicalized, orthopedic, having neither an attractive design nor a color that stands out, only send them back to their sick state, which does not help the woman to move forward and give themselves a new image of their body.
Adapted bras, for renewed femininity

Nowadays, many people care about this inevitable problem, hence the creation of a lot of lingerie brands aimed at offering these women a second life in a new body, a form of rebirth. It is important that the woman can choose the lingerie that looks like her and above all that she likes, with which she can clearly identify in order to be able to find again one fine day, all the confidence she had in her.
The woman after all that she has gone through and endured, must be able to find herself and choose of her own free will the garment in which she will feel good , in which she will feel like a woman .
It would then be necessary to opt for soft, antibacterial and at the same time breathable materials for optimal comfort. The first objective is to put aside any type of lingerie that can cause friction which will then cause strong irritation.
It will also be necessary to avoid underwired bras and opt for bras that will give the possibility of increasing or decreasing their padding.
It is out of the question for an operation to diminish your femininity!
The bra, still just as necessary

One of the most important steps a woman can take towards recovery is to take maximum care of herself after a mastectomy. Keep in mind that the surgery will severely limit the range of motion in his arms.
However, the chest must be maintained . The latter should not move for weeks to allow proper healing following the operation and to avoid pain and reduce friction. Otherwise, the breasts will move, which will prevent the tissues from tightening. Healing will then take much longer than expected and will indeed be less aesthetic.
But also, the port of the bra will allow an optimal comfort and an effect of ease on a daily basis: it is just necessary to know how to choose the good model , the good material and especially, a lingerie in which the woman will really feel WOMAN.
Beyond helping women embrace their natural beauty and self-confidence, Titits is a responsible and committed brand .
We support the fight against breast cancer.
The association Ruban Rose accompanies women affected by this scourge!